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How to prepare your listing for showings

Are you ready for showings? As a realtor, it's crucial to ensure that your listings are in top shape before potential buyers walk through the door. A great first impression can go a long way in attracting interested buyers and ultimately closing a deal.

To help you prepare for showings, we've put together a step-by-step guide on how you or your clients can make sure your property is ready for its close-up. This is

just a sneak peek of our full 48-point checklist, which covers everything from decluttering to staging. If you'd like to see the entire checklist, simply input your email below and we'll send it straight to your inbox.

Outside the Home:

  • Park vehicles away from the house. This helps to create a clear and unobstructed view of the property.
  • Remove any trash or piles of branches, etc. A clean exterior makes for a more inviting first impression.
  • Mow the lawn and trim the edges. A well-maintained lawn is a sign of a well-cared-for property.
  • Sweep paths, porch, patio, or deck space. A clean outdoor space is just as important as a clean interior.

Inside the Home (applies to all rooms):

  • Remove all signs that you have pets. This includes litter boxes, food bowls, and pet beds.
  • Replace burnt-out light bulbs. Bright and well-lit rooms are more appealing to potential buyers.
  • Hide electrical cords and cables. Clutter-free rooms look more spacious and well-organized.


  • Put away all dirty dishes, dish soaps, scrubbers, etc. A clean kitchen is a must for showings.
  • Clear counters of all clutter and small appliances. This helps to create a sense of openness and ease in the kitchen.
  • Remove all fridge magnets, notes, photos, etc. Personal items can be distracting to potential buyers.


  • Make beds and fluff bed pillows. A well-made bed is a simple yet effective way to make a bedroom look inviting.
  • Remove clutter from nightstands and dresser tops. A clean and organized bedroom is more appealing to potential buyers.
  • Pick up all laundry and avoid over-flowing hampers. A tidy bedroom is essential for showings.

By following these simple steps, you can be confident that your property is ready for showings and make a great first impression on potential buyers. If you want to take it one step further and access our full 48-point checklist, simply input your email below and we'll send it straight to your inbox. With this comprehensive guide, you'll be sure to impress potential buyers and increase the chances of closing a deal.

These are the steps we give to every new client at Lucchesi Media to prepare for professional photography. Trust us, taking the time to properly prepare your property for photography will pay off in the long run with stunning, high-quality images that showcase your listing at its best.

Download the 48-point checklist - We will email you.

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